Fun with Python

Hey there fellow developers 😀 I have been working with Python lately(specifically Python3) and wanted to share some things I thought were pretty cool from an outsider’s(learning the language) perspective. I hope the following helps with getting to know this great language.. Enjoy

#construct a tuple using()

#contruct a list using []
 lst= [1,2,4]

#iterate a string and print each character
for i in "This is a String":

#getting the length of a string
print ("length is",len("12345"))

#test x is in a range
if(3< x <10 ):
	print( "I am true")
	print( "I am false")

#test membership

if "2" in "1234":
	print("I am in the string")
if int("2") in [1,2,3,4]:
	print( "I am in the list")

print( "hithreetimes, "*3)

#using math class
import math

#print all methods

#named Tuples
import collections
Movie = collections.namedtuple("Movie","title rating")
collection =[Movie("Jaws", 4.0)]
collection.append(Movie("Toy Story", 5.0))
for movie in collection:
	print("I watched {0} and gave it {1} stars".format(movie.title,movie.rating))

#sequence unpacking
head, *rest = [1,2,3,4,5]
print("head is {0} and rest is {1}".format(head,rest))

#passing and unpacking parameters
def fullname(f,m,l):
	print("First Name ="+f)
	print("Middle Name ="+m)
        print("Last Name  ="l)

fakenamelist =["Homer","J","Simpson"]

#list comprehensions (print all odd numbers from 0 to 99)
print( [item for item in range(0,100) if item % 2])

#named parameters
def count_animals(number,*,	animal="ducks"):
	return "{0} {1}".format(number,animal)
print( count_animals(3,animal="cows"))
print( count_animals(3))

print(sorted([-1,2,-3],key=abs)) #same order

line = input("enter something.. ")
print("your line was " ,line)

I have been using python for web requests and recommend using the httplib2 library. It has a lot of really nice features.