Fun with Python and Gmail API

Yesterday I decided to play with Gmail's API in order to grab my contacts. To my surprise, it was a snap. Google has instructions for python Here, I wrote my example using Python 2.5 on OS X. Once I had unzipped the GData contents, I just changed to the GData directory and ran "sudo python install" and I was ready to go.



# Google GMAIL API example


import gdata.contacts.service

user = '[email protected]'

pwd = 'password'

client2 = gdata.contacts.service.ContactsService()

# Authenticate using your Google Docs email address

# and password.

client2.ClientLogin(user, pwd)

contacts_feed = client2.GetContactsFeed()


# NOTE: The GetContactsFeed does not give back

#		all contacts.

#              This 'problem' can be solved by looping

#		until the contacts_feed.GetNextLink

#             returns  None.



while(contacts_feed) :

	for x in contacts_feed.entry:


	ret = contacts_feed.GetNextLink()

 	contacts_feed = client2.GetContactsFeed(ret.href)  if(ret) else ret

print "here are your %d contacts" % len(l)

for contact in l:

	print "%s -> %s" % (contact[0],contact[1])


here are your xxxx contacts
ANDREW  -> [email protected]