A Groovy Flickr API

A long time ago I wanted to write a desktop GUI interface for Flickr. At the time I had just learned Java and thought it would be really cool to write it using swing. Little did I know how not cool working with swing would be 🙁

About halfway through the project I heard about a cool new dynamic way to write Java code called Groovy. From that day on Groovy has been making my life a whole lot easier. I didn’t need all the functionality in the flickrj library, so I decide to write a few methods for my app using Groovy. The hardest part of the whole thing was figuring out how to post images to Flickr, for that, I used the flickrj code as a reference. If that source code was not available, I don’t think I would have ever figured it out. So a big thanks to all the folks working on that project!

This is not a complete API for Flickr, but should provide enough to get started.

Link to my GitHub Repo